Sunday 7 October 2012

Winter 2015-2016 - No Power?

So apparently we in the UK stand a big chance of not having enough power in 2015/2016? We could possibly end up short and have some power cuts.  Does anyone have faith in the government regarding the issue, i certainly do not.  They should be investing now and getting on with looking after the UK's power supplies.  Nuclear power, wind power, wave power, solar power and super human power! - OK forget the last one. 

Nuclear power - clean and efficient - just don't have an earthquake!

Wind power - noisy and if you don't have wind your buggered!

Wave power - cool, watch the ships crash into them and your buggered without waves.

ha ha sun in the UK doesn't happen often but...

Can superman save us - probably not!
So in 2015/2016 if you miss the latest episode of Eastenders or Emmerdale or miss X-factor or miss the evening kick of  because the games cancelled to save power or can't see where your going and fall over and end up in a hospital where the nurses are patients too because they too fell over because they couldn't see where they were going then you only have the government to blame!!! 

Friday 10 August 2012

Syria And The UK

The UK is sending to Syria an additional 5 million of non lethal equipment.  Why do we - the UK get involved.  OK so people are dying, dying for war as war does tend to do - it kills, it kills and kills a bit more until finally one side gives in or they make peace.  Of course the factors that get involved and try to make a difference may help, also may not.  The UN got involved in Libya but they fail when it comes to Syria.  So the UK make what i would call a stand and take the side of the rebels - or opposition if you would like to call them that.  We send aid, we send communication help, we send all we can without using military force or giving them weapons.  BUT, is this going to actually help, I mean really....... the rebels fight, the government fight, they want to kill each other, that's what war is about, so why not just let them get on with it and let the UN decide what is best to do without sticking our noses in. 

they want the government out, the government don't want to go, the government say terrorists are actually the rebels.

They want the government out and will kill as much as is needed but the government will stop at nothing to kill the rebels.

A country far away from us in the UK and yet we feel the need to try to help the people of the country but also by doing this we make the lives of our own people in the UK worse and make our own standard of living worse, And we all know no other countries would help us in the same way if anything happened in our country.

NO ONE wants to see people die, this shouldn't really be happening in this day and age but war brings death so we the world need to stop the wars, we could do this but politics drives all and money controls the world, that is the problem.  Why let people die?? when the UN could solve this war with brute force.  Why stand by and let people kill people when the world has enough equipment and ability to go into Syria and stop all the killing?? Why let all of this happen at all??


Monday 30 July 2012

Does Size Matter

Well its a huge question, Does size really matter?
I would say "YES" size does matter but.........
...........It only matters on a personal level.

Could you handle your girlfriend/boyfriend been like huge? would the size matter to you then or do you like something to reach up to or grab hold of?
Would it matter if your best friend was a build like a Sumo wrestler and stunk of sweat and had a belly that wobbled and nearly smashed your house down?

Does size Matter?
Does size matter in the bedroom?? Do you women/men need it big or can a man/women who has been blessed with small assets do it for you?? does a gentle loving kiss do more for you then a big snog that nearly takes your face off??
Does size matter when it comes to food, is more better? For me more food is better - for others more food is bad and you may end up like the Sumo? I would love a bigger bank balance so size is very important when it comes to that too.  Size matters in lots of ways:

There are so many ways that size matters in the world, from how big your car is to how big your nose is, from how big your house is to how big your clothes are - size matters but its on a personal level and together people of all sizes live in harmony together - just about.

So have i answered that big question??? Does size matter??? I probably haven't gone anywhere near to answering it for you really as the question is a more personnel one.  Does the size of this blog matter? not in any way at all.............

Size matters but it only matters when size matters to you and at times size can matter a lot, other times size doesn't mean a thing, for some size is everything!!! 

Monday 14 May 2012

Are You Safe In A Supermarket

You would think that you were SAFE in a supermarket - wouldn't you? the truth is that you are not as safe as you would think you are - or should be.  I just heard a tale about a old lady who had to use a walking stick to get around that went shopping in her local supermarket - only for a young girl to steal her purse straight out her hand and the SECURITY was not aloud to physically engage the thief!                                                                
The Security had to try and apprehend the thief by shepherding her around like a sheep until the police arrived without touching this disgusting thief.  The fear of hurting the thief and the thief putting a claim in for compensation appeared to far outweigh the need to stop this thief and protect the customers.  This world is becoming obsessed with making life so bloody daft. - If I see a thief stealing ill try and bloody stop them - if i see anyone hurting anyone for no reason ill try and stop them - ill not look away and think "better not get involved in-case they sue me!"  So it appears that you are not safe from anyone or anything in a supermarket as the security can only act like Shepard's, so if someone steals your purse or wallet, best scream and hope the public stop the culprit and get running after the bastard yourself and if you get the time while trying to get your purse or wallet back try and call the police. 
So lets say you have just fought a thief and knocked it to the ground - its hurt - you kick it like it deserves, chances are you will be put away behind bars and thief will be given a warning - this is how stupid the law works.  So this is why the security forces in your local supermarket are pretty powerless to stop criminals, but the forces of human nature would hopefully come into play and surely no-one would allow an old lady to have her purse stolen right before their eyes if they were there - would they??? - I wouldn't allow it - would you??

Friday 11 May 2012


Big breasts = Big power - like two loaded guns ready to fire there way to the top.  I believe that it is true that big breasts can make life easier for you as a women(It fails bigtime as a man)  Of course as a women you must also have the figure to go with them although it is not always that important if you are going to be flashing them off.  This blog is about world issues and I firmly believe that if women were sent to war zones - there would be a very good possibility that they could make major influences - as long as they had big breasts.  Of course some people may think this a sexist post? not at all, but most famous women get the breast enlargements weather they admit it or not and that increases there wealth, celebratory status and publicity.  If you are a man look at the picture above and ask yourself: "Could I say no to this lady?" Now imagine her breasts were tiny, then ask yourself the question again - It would change your thought process and instead of looking at her breasts you would then have to look at her other features instead and then base your answer on that instead.  So am I saying all men prefer big breasts - no I am not but there effect can be brain washing to most men - it is our weakness.            

Monday 7 May 2012

Europe In A Mess

Europe is in a mess financially - big-time! With Greece's bailout package holding the country up just to keep the Euro together - the future is still so uncertain.  France now have a new president and Greece, Italy are having elections which could throw everything in the air.  With the UK throwing money(supposedly a loan) to the international monetary fund to help those countries needing financial help I can only see a bad ending to this - we(UK) have no money ourselves and are finding our economy slowing and in recession(again).  We do this time and time again and give money to nations that would never give the same back if we were in a situation like them - why oh why!  I mean no-one in Europe loves us as we have not joined the Euro or signed dodgy financial deals to give away our financial security.  We fight wars like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and spend billions on trying to help the world out - and yet we do not look after our own country like it deserves!  Back to Europe - I believe France, with their new president can now have a big impact in Europe and may make a difference.  David Cameron who's party has just lost a number of local elections will want to ensure that the people do not turn on him and I believe when it comes to Europe he must be brave and put the UK first before the politics and bureaucracy of Europe.  Perhaps a referendum on Europe for the UK will be a good idea if done at the right time but i believe if done now the people would choose to leave Europe completaly.  Europe is in such a mess but only those in power can sort it out, that is if we have the right people in that power???    

Sunday 6 May 2012

How To Gain A Facebook Reation

I decided to be a naughty boy on facebook yesterday.  The big and last two games of the footballing season are upon us! A few friends of mine are Manchester United supporters and Manchester City are the main rivals now.  I thought it would be a great idea to post a picture of the Manchester City manager looking all happy with a thumbs up on Facebook and ..... I was met with abusive comments.  I knew I would get a reaction as people are so stupid when it comes to football. (Its only a game people - not life or death)  So then I posted a picture of the Manchester United manager not looking too happy and once more I was met with abuse.  So the tale of this story is that if you want a Facebook reaction, choose a subject that people act real stupid about like football and post about that.  Human nature is to get angry over the most stupid things or is it just the minor population that does these things??? So lets say I posted a comment about women and made it real sexist, I am sure I would get a reaction but would people see that its Facebook and not the real world and that i was after the reaction.  How about i posted and told the world that a famous pop star(like Lady Gaga was rubbish, again am sure people would react.  Facebook has become one big human experiment in many ways and people treat facebook as the real world - which it is not.  So how to Gain A Facebook Reaction is to really put down what people do not want to hear and its always going to get a reaction.  Of course there are people who are nice and use facebook in a nice way, sometimes a really nice comment can get the same results as well as silly pictures of you and your friends in compromising situations and of you posing near naked, nearly showing your bits n bobs off.  Another way is to get the sympathy vote and make yourself look hard done by and people will mostly comment good on your status - however bent the truth is.